
Resolution Underwriting

Building a platform to be proud of

The brief

To help the business stand out as a value adding partner, one that is strong, confident and connected.

Our Approach

We started with an element of brand development to ensure that the brand stood on solid foundations. The business had taken positive steps forward in recent years and it needed to look more sophisticated.

Following the completion of the brand development phase we progressed to look at how the new, stronger assets could be applied in a digital setting.


Simplicity is key across the site to help visitors quickly understand what it is that Resolution Underwriting offer, to learn more about what makes them a strong partner, and to encourage visitors to make contact.


Everyone has their own opinions and personal preferences when it comes to website design. Therefore it is important to consider not just what you like, but what the majority of your audience will like. We have extensive experience in delivering websites that offer an authentic but equally aspirational platform to move your business forwards.

If you believe your website could work harder we’re here to help you get more from it.