

Delivering a STRONG UX

The brief

To develop a site that is built for Pro Global’s key audience segments in a way that considers not only what they might be looking for, but how the website can influence and engage them. All while clearly being able to measure success.

Our Approach

To achieve this we put forward several objectives and reasons to justify the investment in a new website. We agreed that the website should offer the simplest representation of their business. It should act as a platform to build strong relationships and support the buying process.


The new website not only offers a clearer route to content and stronger user experience. It also positions the brand and the business in a much more positive light.


Everyone has their own opinions and personal preferences when it comes to website design. Therefore it is important to consider not just what you like, but what the majority of your audience will like. We have extensive experience in delivering websites that offer an authentic but equally aspirational platform to move your business forwards.

If you believe your website could work harder we’re here to help you get more from it.