

Demonstrating just how hard BIBA works on behalf of its members

The brief

We were set the task of creating a website for the British Insurance Brokers Association that demonstrated just how hard the organisation works on behalf of its members. At the same time, making the site more accessible and engaging for the range of visitors.

Our Approach

By taking the time to really understand why the different audiences would be visiting the website, we were able to produce a layout and navigation that presented content in a clear way while also drawing visitors deeper into the site.


Having worked with the client to develop a clear brief, we agreed KPIs including how long visitors spent on the new site, how many pages they viewed, and a target bounce rate. All of these saw dramatic improvements and the website went on to win an award.


Everyone has their own opinions and personal preferences when it comes to website design. Therefore it is important to consider not just what you like, but what the majority of your audience will like. We have extensive experience in delivering websites that offer an authentic but equally aspirational platform to move your business forwards.

If you believe your website could work harder we’re here to help you get more from it.